Your sensual archetype is…..

The Alchemist

Transformative • Mystical • Spiritual

Like any true alchemist, you have to have been through a lot in order to activate the ability to transmute negative experiences into resources. 

You have run through initiatory fire after initiatory fire, and have learned hard lessons along the way.

This has endowed you with a wealth of wisdom, resilience, and inner strength along with a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.

You know that you have a powerful intuition and an abundance of pleasure within you.

It may sometimes feel like your shadow work is never ending or that true release of the past is always just out of reach. 

When you haven’t fully emerged from your shadows, your relationships may be characterized by drama, frustration, or feeling a lack. 

You may find yourself repeating patterns in relationships that leave you feeling unsatisfied or unfulfilled.

You may experience a sense of frustration or disappointment with sex, as your experience may not consistently match the cosmic, source energy explosions that you know are possible.

And despite spending intentional time connecting to your body, you may still feel disconnected from pure, ongoing, embodied pleasure.

You may have limiting beliefs or internalized messages that prevent you from fully embracing and expressing your sensual nature, leading to a sense of inner conflict or self-doubt.

And although they are the source of your true power, the trials you have had to overcome in the past are right now blocking you from tapping into the full expression of your alchemical sensuality. 

If you’ve been working on releasing your blocks, you know the risk of getting stuck in the shadows. 

How do you transmute your past challenges into sensual power and emerge as the fully-realized sensual being that you were always meant to be?

Here’s the thing…

We ALL have shadows controlling our beliefs and behavior

These are the blocks we feel when trying to tap into the full freedom of our sexual expression.

The limiting beliefs that tell us we’re not good enough or deserving of pleasure.

Our shadows are the shame and fear we feel around intimacy and/or pleasure.

They manifest as feeling disconnected from your sexuality, your pleasure, and/or your partner(s).

They create the feeling that “something is just there, holding me back.”

Your top shadow archetypes

The Veiled Confidant – while your outward relating style and appearance may suggest “hey! I’m an open book!” you still have some reserves on your love and what you let in. You may avoid deep connections due to fear of getting hurt, or mask your deep vulnerability with more surface demonstrations.

The Obliging Martyr – you tend to prioritize others' needs and desires over your own, suppressing your sensual and erotic self. Duty and self-sacrifice shows up more often than the pursuit of personal pleasure, which may make you feel a lack of fulfillment in your intimate relationships.

“Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is. At all counts, it forms an unconscious snag, thwarting our most well-meant intentions.”  – Carl Jung

Here are some of the ways you might change when you transform your shadows...

  • You feel good in your body, getting to express the full YOU & know it will be held and loved and marveled at

  • The “hunt” is over. You attract partners on a similar frequency, and have the power to elevate them in growth together

  • You have a deep sense of alchemical sensuality and are able to use your sexuality as a source of healing and transformation

  • You experience cosmic orgasms that leave you feeling empowered and rejuvenated

  • Your space is full of objects and tools that help you transform and transmute source energy (yep, we’re talking power stones and sacred sex toys)

  • You manifest your desires by cultivating sensual energy and directing it toward your goals and desires

  • Through your sensuality and pleasure practices you are able to access higher levels of awareness and spiritual insight

Learn the alchemical secrets of turning negative experiences into resources and raw emotions into pure power

Join the free Sensual Shadow Magick 5-day Challenge

I created this simple 5-day challenge for people who struggle to let go of the disempowering patterns that undermine their romantic relationships and personal pleasure.

(Side note: it’s FREE and pacckkkkeed with priceless paradigm shifts and pleasure practices so you actually start to feel a different relationship to your pleasure and your power, right away.)

In just a few minutes each day you’ll learn…






Why the all the therapy you’ve had for the past 6 years hasn’t radically changed how you feel and how you show up.

Critical mindset shifts so you can fearlessly explore and reprogram your shadows (hint: they’re actually your allies)

The most effective way to embody your most empowered beliefs

How to keep moving forward on your sex & pleasure goals using your natural biological rhythms (aka working with, not against, your nervous system)

Your custom recipe to alchemize your past pains, traumas, and maladaptive patterns into pure power & access to pleasure

What you get: 

  • 5 daily audios designed to help you uncover hidden blocks, set powerful intentions, and begin transforming your shadows into sources of power and liberation

  • Your own Sensual Shadow Magick Workbook to make your practice more potent

  • Pleasure practices and rituals to anchor in change through your mind and body

  • Daily emails with short tips and your special challenge video (hello accountability!)

  • Connect with a coven of other Sensual Shadow Magick practitioners (share the power!)

Alchemize your darkest feelings and beliefs into your brightest power

Right now you are standing at the threshold of a new adventure.

One that will require you to leave a version of yourself behind. A version of yourself that is unconscious about limiting beliefs and patterns of behavior that keep you stuck. A version of yourself that tries to convince you you’re fine because (let’s face it) it’s feeling a little lazy about doing the work (or perhaps you have a limiting belief that you’re not worthy of pleasure at this rich a level).

The first step of a journey is always the hardest. And the good news is, just by taking the Sensual Archetype quiz you put your feet in front of you on the path to awakening your full sensual power.

Now all that’s left is one small step in front of the other – which will lead you to the ultimate treasure: a deep understanding of your personal and partnered pleasure and an unlimited activation of your sensual energy.

Will you answer the call?

Meet your mentor

Well met, Courageous Soul! I’m Jess.

I’m not a typical fairytale mentor - I don't have a long white beard or a magic wand (though my Middle Eastern ancestry tells me to throw on some sparkling jewelry).

Instead, I use my activated sensual identity and embodied Archetype to guide and heal others while constantly learning and exploring the limits of cosmic connected pleasure.

My work is about creating lasting change in an aligned mind and body. So you can continue to level up your relationship between your pleasure and your partners long after joining me for coaching or workshops!