Align with Pleasure Guided Audio

This 20 minute guided visualization will prime your brain and your body to experience more pleasure, self-confidence, and sensual power.

this audio will guide you to…

• explore the unlimited stores of pleasure and sexual power within you

• access deeper levels of pleasure and confidence at will

• heal from wounds created by denying the full expression of your sexuality

• claim your birthright to pleasure and sexual power

Hello beautiful human, I’m Jess.

For over 12 years I have been obsessed with learning about how words and behaviors shape identity. Now I help beautiful humans like you explore, discovery, and embody your turned-on self, so that you can tap into your sexual power and use that immense source of energy to reach (and exceed) your relationship and life goals.

want to go deeper?

want to go deeper?

See how my 1:1 coaching Pleasure Mastery Program can change your life.