How to Release Limiting Beliefs and Old Patterns: A Guide to Self Empowerment

Have you ever found yourself feeling like you're hitting a wall in certain areas of your life? 

Maybe you’ve been in a dating rut or you keep attracting toxic relationships. 

It's frustrating to feel like you’re not living up to all that life has to offer, right? 

The truth is, we all have limiting beliefs and old patterns that hold us back. 

Most of us run on autopilot, letting ourselves be controlled by unconscious programming. 

The good news is that you have the power to release limiting thoughts, beliefs, behaviors, and actions and step into your most empowered state of being.

First, let's dive deeper into how our experiences condition our patterns, beliefs, and behaviors. 

Establishing Patterns and Behaviors

Our beliefs and behavior patterns are largely shaped by the experiences we have and the meanings we attach to them. 

For instance, as children, we believed that life was full of endless possibilities, and that we could be anything we wanted to be, do anything we wanted to do, and accomplish anything we wanted to accomplish. 

It was a world without limits or constraints, where our imaginations could soar without fear of being judged or criticized.

However, when we experimented with our ideas or tried out something new, we often encountered responses from others that generated certain feelings and emotions inside of us. 

For instance, if we were scolded or disciplined by our parents for staying up late and not doing our homework, we learned that there were limits to how we could manage our time and that certain actions would elicit specific responses. 

Likely, we’d harbor some resentment against doing our homework and we’d also associate negative emotions to breaking rules. This could either lead to sneaky behavior connected to shame or excited risk-taking, or it could mold us into being more obedient to our parent’s rules. 

Sometimes, we may unconsciously seek out negative responses or behaviors that make us feel a familiar way, and this can keep us stuck in a cycle of limiting beliefs and behaviors.

For example, let’s say you grew up in a household where your parents weren’t emotionally physically available.

You may have learned that acting out was one way to get your parent’s attention, though you usually elicited an angry response from them. 

Still, that attention fulfilled your need for connection, and so as an adult you play into the same behavior patterns, creating drama in your relationships so that you can get the level of attention your inner child craves. 

Essentially, your brain has been conditioned to associate strong negative responses with connection, and so it keeps you stuck in a familiar but unsatisfying pattern.

The key to breaking free from limiting beliefs and patterns is to become aware of them and consciously work to shift them into more empowering ones. 

This involves interrupting the automatic response patterns that have been ingrained in us and creating new neural pathways that support our growth and expansion.

The first step is to become conscious of your programming. 

Awareness of Limiting Beliefs and Old Patterns

Becoming aware of our limiting beliefs and old patterns is the first step towards releasing them and moving into a more empowered state of being.

Having awareness means that you are rooted in the present moment and helps us to recognize when we are dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. 

When we’re running on autopilot, it’s all too easy to get hung up on ruminating about a difficult past experience or worrying about the future. 

Replaying events that hurt us in the past or imagining what could go wrong in the future actually does nothing to prevent us from feeling hurt again.

In fact, it only reinforces our old patterns and beliefs, and makes it more likely that we will experience the very thing we don’t want to experience again.

When we spiral into negative fantasies, past or future, we recreate that emotional state in our body. 

Our brains are wired to reproduce the emotional state associated with past events, even if the events are not actually happening in the present. 

This is because our brain cannot distinguish between what is actually happening and what is being remembered. 

We may find ourselves feeling anxious, angry, or sad for no apparent reason, simply because we have replayed a past experience in our minds.

To break free from these patterns and beliefs, we must flip our old thought patterns and negative associations into empowered thoughts, beliefs, actions, and responses.  

This means consciously choosing to respond differently to a situation than we would have in the past. 

For example, instead of dwelling on a past failure, we can choose to focus on what we learned from the experience and how we can improve in the future. 

Instead of seeing ourselves as victims of circumstance, we can choose to take responsibility for our actions and make positive changes in our lives.

If we have experienced past relationships that were toxic or abusive, we may have developed a pattern of seeking out similar partners who treat us poorly, even though it doesn't serve us.

Familiarity gives us a sense of safety, even when that environment or type of person isn’t actually safe. 

It’s also much easier to default into the old pattern of behavior and feeling because the neural pathways are so used to firing in that way.

It takes conscious energy to shift out of these patterns. 

Yet we can break free from disempowering patterns.

We can choose to focus on our own self-worth and set boundaries that honor our needs and values. 

We can consciously choose to attract and cultivate relationships that are supportive, loving, and empowering.

This process requires practice and patience, just like any other skill.

We must train our minds to recognize when we are falling into old patterns and beliefs, and then consciously choose to respond in a different way. 

That's why it's crucial to flip those patterns and beliefs into empowerment.

Flipping Negative Thought Spirals

When you notice a negative thought or behavior, the goal is to enter into a more empowered state of being. 

This can be challenging because our brains are wired to repeat patterns, and we often fall into negative patterns without even realizing it. 

However, with practice and awareness, we can break free from these patterns and choose a more empowered response.

When you notice a negative thought or behavior, the first step is to take a deep breath and ground yourself in the present moment. 

This helps to interrupt the negative pattern and bring you back to a place of clarity and focus. 

Once you're in a more centered state, you can begin to visualize the experience or feeling that you would rather be having.

For example, if you're feeling anxious about a relationship, you might visualize yourself feeling calm, secure, and loved. In what ways would you need to behave in order to feel this way? How could you notice your partner giving you safety and security that you may have missed? 

If you're struggling with confidence, you might visualize yourself feeling strong, capable, and confident in your abilities. What actions could you take to embody this sort of confidence? What would your future look like when you act with confidence?

Visualizing a more empowered state helps to interrupt your pattern and prime your mind and body to respond differently. 

This is similar to going to the gym - you don't become strong overnight, but by doing multiple smaller reps and gradually adding more weight, you build up your strength over time.

It's important to remember that our brains are wired to respond automatically to certain stimuli, based on past experiences and associations. 

But by bringing conscious awareness to our responses and actively choosing to flip negative patterns, we can rewire our neural pathways and create new, more empowered responses.

Practice Empowered Beliefs and Actions

Practicing empowered beliefs and actions consistently can truly transform your life. 

The way we talk to ourselves and think about ourselves can have a significant impact on our mindset and ultimately our actions. 

So, the next time you catch yourself thinking a disempowering thought, pause and take a deep breath in. With a big exhale, release that negative energy and replace it with an empowered belief.

For example, let's say you made a mistake at work and immediately thought to yourself, "I'm such an idiot, I always mess things up." Pause and take a deep breath, then consciously replace that thought with a more empowering one. 

You might say something like, "I am human, and mistakes happen. I am intelligent and capable, and I am learning and growing every day."

Feel into the excitement of that statement. 

It’s essential to connect an empowering emotion to your new thought, or your body won’t register your thought as significant, nor will it have the power to replace your limiting beliefs, since your limiting beliefs were also anchored by an emotion paired with a thought. 

Connecting an Emotion to a Thought

When it comes to reprogramming your brain, it's not enough to simply think empowering thoughts. That’s simply wishful thinking, and no amount of wishful thinking will get you what you want. 

You need to anchor those thoughts to an emotional state. 

This is because our emotions have a profound impact on our thoughts, beliefs, and actions. 

When we experience positive emotions like joy, gratitude, and love, we're more likely to think positively, believe in ourselves, and take empowered actions. 

On the other hand, when we experience negative emotions like fear, anger, and sadness, we're more likely to think negatively, doubt ourselves, and take disempowered actions.

According to Dr. Joe Dispenza, a renowned neuroscientist and author, connecting an emotion to a thought is essential for manifesting your desires. In his book "Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself," he explains that when we imagine our future selves and the reality we want to create, we must feel as if it's already happened. 

This means connecting an emotion to the thought of our desired outcome.

When we feel the emotion of having achieved our desired outcome, we're creating a powerful energetic frequency that aligns us with that reality.

For example, if you want to manifest a loving relationship, you can't just think about it in your head. You need to connect an emotion to that thought by imagining how it would feel to be in that relationship. 

How would it feel to be loved, appreciated, and supported? 

Allow yourself to feel those emotions as if you're already in that relationship. 

By doing this, you're sending a powerful signal to the universe that you're already in alignment with that reality, and it's only a matter of time before it manifests in your physical reality.

In order to connect an emotion to a thought, you need to be present in the moment and allow yourself to fully feel the emotion. 

This means letting go of any resistance, doubt, or fear that may be blocking you from feeling that emotion. You can use techniques like visualization, meditation, or embodied affirmations to help you connect to the emotion.

Releasing limiting beliefs and old patterns can be a challenging but incredibly rewarding process. 

By becoming aware of our patterns and consciously choosing to respond differently, we can create a more empowered state of being. Remember, it's a practice, and every small step counts towards your transformation. 

As Tony Robbins says, "It's in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped." So make the decision to release those old patterns and limiting beliefs, and step into a more empowered and joyful life.

As always, sending you love and light on your journey of self-discovery and growth.

Ready to take control of your pleasure? 

Schedule a one-on-one coaching session with me to dive deeper into your sensual growth and personal power!


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