Pleasure Prompt: Queen of Coins Tarot Draw
Today is about harnessing the abundance of power that nature has to offer.
There are many ways nature can show up in our lives as a source of power. When you are able to recognize the ways in which nature gives you energy, shapes your mood, and invites you to be more, you can tap into these limitless reserves of power at will.
Here are a few ways in which you can attune to the abundance of power within nature to cultivate an energetic boost from your connection to all that is alive and powerful around you.
Consider the ways in which you connect with the weather.
Perhaps the sun makes you want to be outside more, enlivening and energizing your activities. Perhaps it allows you to wear the clothes you feel most yourself in. You may notice how the rain creates a desire for inwardness and reflection. You may find this affirmations helpful to guide your experience:
Consider the way being out in nature offers new perspectives to try on.
Perhaps you notice the myriad sounds made by tiny creatures and rustling leaves, or the way being around big trees makes you feel small. Allow these observations to help open your mind to different perspectives that can be found in all areas life and in all its complexity. After exploring, pause to appreciate what you have seen and how it has made you feel – noticing how taking this moment can make you feel more alive and attuned to the power that’s available for you to draw on throughout the day.
Here is a simple affirmation that may serve as a guide for this exploration:
We become blocked when we deny our connection to nature.
Today, connect to nature by being conscious of your relationship to all of its aspects, and open yourself up to receiving its gifts.