Your sensual archetype is…..

The Erotic Nomad

Liberated • Authentic • Independent

You defy convention and embrace individuality, using your sensuality to express your unique identity and challenge social norms. 

You are wonderfully unapologetic when it comes to being you, and embrace your primal desires and instincts. 

Your core desire is to live a life where you can fully express yourself without fear of repercussion or judgment.

Because you often don’t fit the mold, you may sometimes struggle to feel connected to others or to find your community or partner(s) who embody similar values.

Due to your desire to live life authentically, you may find yourself constantly battling against opposition that seeks to control or repress you (this could be felt as an inner struggle or a struggle against society).

You may grapple with the guilt or shame of wanting to explore your wilder side while still honoring your own personal values and boundaries or pleasing a less-enthusiastic partner (it’s a tricky balance!). 

Communication is a core skill that will help you in all aspects of your sensual expression, and this will either be something that comes naturally to you or that shows up as a struggle.

Your key to pleasure is in unlocking a variety of experiences–whether that be simply in expressing yourself freely, connecting with a like-minded community, exploring creatively and/or sexually, or finding kink and BDSM scenes. 

If you feel friction in your sexual relationships you may have loose or undefined boundaries.

On the other hand, you may have too many expectations for how your partners should show up in your life, needing them to match your energy more than they may be able to.

Resentment might be your triggering challenge, and you may tend to criticize and judge others or feel especially triggered when others criticize or judge you. 

Here’s the thing…

We ALL have shadows controlling our beliefs & behavior

These are the blocks we feel when trying to tap into the full freedom of our sexual expression.

The limiting beliefs that tell us we’re not good enough or deserving of pleasure.

Our shadows are the shame and fear we feel around intimacy and/or pleasure.

They manifest as feeling disconnected from your sexuality, your pleasure, and/or your partner(s).

They create the feeling that “something is just there, holding me back.”

Your top shadow archetypes

The Veiled Enchantress – you feel your eros brimming underneath layers of shame and repression, making it hard to express the full range of your desire. This archetype is characterized by feeling like you’re hiding your authentic erotic nature.

The Body Apologlogist – I named this archetype after Sonya Renée Taylor’s beautiful book, The Body is Not an Apology, a wonderful un-doing of the radical harm done by systems of oppression. If you struggle to love your body in its fullness & in whatever stage it's in, your shadow side might be expressing its need for detoxing from childhood beliefs and cultural beauty standards.

“Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is. At all counts, it forms an unconscious snag, thwarting our most well-meant intentions.”  – Carl Jung

Here are some of the ways you may change when you transform your shadows...

  • No matter what kind of sexual escapade you want to try, you have the skills to communicate around safety and feel more comfortable testing new experiences 

  • You click with the people you meet, not finding them lacking in their capacity to hold space for you or not meeting your expectations 

  • You develop deep trust and security in your partnership that serves you both in creating more intimacy and ease–you’re able to show up more fully for them.

  • Your sex life is vibrant, playful, and never boring

  • When you encounter a triggering experience, you recover quickly & stay in alignment with your core values and beliefs

  • You experience pleasure without shame or guilt, and feel in control of your body and mind

Learn the alchemical secrets of turning negative experiences into resources and raw emotions into pure power

Join the free Sensual Shadow Magick 5-day Challenge

I created this simple 5-day challenge for people who struggle to let go of the disempowering patterns that undermine their romantic relationships and personal pleasure.

(Side note: it’s FREE and pacckkkkeed with priceless paradigm shifts and pleasure practices so you actually start to feel a different relationship to your pleasure and your power, right away.)

In just a few minutes each day you’ll learn…






Why the all the therapy you’ve had for the past 6 years hasn’t radically changed how you feel and how you show up.

Critical mindset shifts so you can fearlessly explore and reprogram your shadows (hint: they’re actually your allies)

The most effective way to embody your most empowered beliefs

How to keep moving forward on your sex & pleasure goals using your natural biological rhythms (aka working with, not against, your nervous system)

Your custom recipe to alchemize your past pains, traumas, and maladaptive patterns into pure power & access to pleasure

What you get: 

  • 5 daily audios designed to help you uncover hidden blocks, set powerful intentions, and begin transforming your shadows into sources of power and liberation

  • Your own Sensual Shadow Magick Workbook to make your practice more potent

  • Pleasure practices and rituals to anchor in change through your mind and body

  • Daily emails with short tips and your special challenge video (hello accountability!)

  • Connect with a coven of other Sensual Shadow Magick practitioners (share the power!)

Alchemize your darkest feelings and beliefs into your brightest power

Right now you are standing at the threshold of a new adventure.

One that will require you to leave a version of yourself behind. A version of yourself that is unconscious about limiting beliefs and patterns of behavior that keep you stuck. A version of yourself that tries to convince you you’re fine because (let’s face it) it’s feeling a little lazy about doing the work (or perhaps you have a limiting belief that you’re not worthy of pleasure at this rich a level).

The first step of a journey is always the hardest. And the good news is, just by taking the Sensual Archetype quiz you put your feet in front of you on the path to awakening your full sensual power.

Now all that’s left is one small step in front of the other – which will lead you to the ultimate treasure: a deep understanding of your personal and partnered pleasure and an unlimited activation of your sensual energy.

Will you answer the call?

Meet your mentor

Well met, Courageous Soul! I’m Jess.

I’m not a typical fairytale mentor - I don't have a long white beard or a magic wand (though my Middle Eastern ancestry tells me to throw on some sparkling jewelry).

Instead, I use my activated sensual identity and embodied Archetype to guide and heal others while constantly learning and exploring the limits of cosmic connected pleasure.

My work is about creating lasting change in an aligned mind and body. So you can continue to level up your relationship between your pleasure and your partners long after joining me for coaching or workshops!