Your sensual archetype is…..

The Pleasure Seeker

Indulgent • Expansive • Fulfilled

As a child you may have felt like you needed to hide your pleasure, because you weren’t allowed to have or needed to keep secret those things that made you light up. 

Now, as an adult, you are driven by a core desire to experience and indulge in the joys and pleasures of life.

You are the luxury travel enthusiast, a true gourmet, and you like your place to be full of high-quality items that bring you joy (if you’re not at the peak stage to enjoy all of this, you’re probably working right now to get there!). 

You find pleasure in all aspects of sensory experience, from food and drink to music and touch.

Your desire for nice things drives you to work hard. Which means you’re sometimes blocked from experiencing calm, robust, wavy pleasure by the busy-ness of your life.

To get your much needed balance and daily dose of pleasure, you prioritize self-care and self-love, understanding that taking care of yourself is essential to finding joy and fulfillment in life. 

Because you love to give yourself love, you may come across as selfish or self-centered, which can make it difficult for others to connect with you on a deeper level. However, this perception is often not reflective of your true nature.

You are often deeply compassionate and empathetic. You genuinely care about others. However, this may not always be apparent on the surface.

At your core, you understand that pleasure is not just a momentary sensation but a state of being that can be cultivated and sustained through conscious awareness and presence.

One of your primary challenges may be that your focus on self and pleasure can sometimes lead to an excessive need for control, which can put a strain on relationships with others. 

You may struggle to balance having your needs met with meeting the needs and desires of those around you (this can easily lead to a self-defeating guilt-spiral).

You may feel pressure to constantly seek out new experiences to maintain a sense of pleasure and fulfillment. This can lead to a sense of restlessness and dissatisfaction, as you may struggle to find lasting contentment and fulfillment in your life. 

Although you have the divine ability to experience ESP (extra-sensory pleasure), you may feel guilty about fully “going there” or you have trouble releasing enough control to let your brain and your body melt into pleasure-puddle bliss. 

You are being guided to…

Relax, release, and step through the Pleasure Portal

When you pass through the portal, you’ll open up a world with richer experiences, free from self-judgment and guilt, free to explore the depths of your pleasure (which you already know are so juicy and elevated), and deeper intimacy, respect, and co-creation of magickal pleasure experiences with your partner.

The Pleasure Portal

  1. Enhanced sensory pleasure (ESP): You have a heightened awareness of your senses, so you can experience pleasure and sensory experiences in a more profound and fulfilling way.

  2. Playfulness and spontaneity: You are naturally playful and spontaneous. You approach life with a sense of joy, curiosity, and wonder.

  3. Creative exploration: You are drawn to creative pursuits, such as art, music, or writing, and can use your creativity as a means of exploring your desires and experiences.

  4. Bigger & Brighter: When you lean into sensual growth and pleasure mastery, you can generate a powerful and transformative energy that radiates outward into your life and relationships. This energy is characterized by a deep sense of presence and mindfulness.

  5. Let go of control: You have the ability to let go of control and surrender to the flow of life, allowing you to experience pleasure and joy without getting bogged down by expectations or attachments.

Welcome to the Pleasure Portal, where pleasure is not just a fleeting moment, but a state of being that can be cultivated and sustained through conscious awareness and presence.

You understand the importance of indulging in the joys and pleasures of life. However, your busy schedule and desire for control may sometimes block you from experiencing the calm, robust, and wavy pleasure you crave.

Take a deep breath & get ready to step through the portal, which really is just a metaphor for a perspective shift that will help you open your eyes (and other sense organs) to deeper pleasure and joy that is already within & all around you.

Pleasure Portal

Here are some ways your life might transform when you step through the pleasure portal and take up residence on the other side:

  • By embracing conscious awareness and rewriting limiting belief scripts that are keeping you small & stuck, you can sink more fully into your wildest desires without feeling guilty

  • You release your need for control and accept the people around you for who they are. You feel more fulfilled and find even deeper intimacy and connection (double win!)

  • You develop deep trust and security in your partnership that serves you both in creating more intimacy and ease–you’re able to show up more fully for them and allow them to show up fully for you

  • Your sex life is vibrant, playful, experimental, and never boring

Step through the Pleasure Portal

These techniques work directly with the subconscious mind, allowing you to reprogram limiting beliefs and behaviors at a deep level, leading to profound shifts in your thoughts, emotions, and actions.

If you commit to following these three steps, you will begin to tap into the perspective shift from the Pleasure Portal. You will start to see profound shifts in your thoughts, emotions, and actions as you reprogram limiting beliefs and behaviors at a deep level.

  • Your physiology shapes your emotional state.

    To ignite more self-love and foster compassionate expressions to more deeply connect you with others, set yourself up with a rigorous sensual physiology regimen.

    Choose a powerful physiology, such as a smile, which has a long list of personal and social benefits. Smiling has been shown to reduce stress and improve your mood with serotonin and endorphin boosts, increase confidence and enhance social connection, improve memory (!), and (my favorite smile-magick quality) creating positive energy and attracting positivity and abundance into our lives.

    The smile-response is a skill that can be cultivated like any kind of stimulus response.

    Create a tiny habit for your physiological practice–attach your response to a stimulus that you already do several times throughout the day.

    For example, “Every time I see my reflection in the mirror, I will smile.” Or “Everytime I say hello, I will smile.”

  • The following activity can be done during a Spoiling Session. A spoiling session is where the sole purpose is to focus on one partner’s pleasure (in this case, you). The practice is to only receive, receive, receive, despite the desire to give pleasure back.

    This can be done through massage, sex, oral, or any other activity that feels like selfish, indulgent, beautiful pleasure.

    Practice surrendering to the present moment, and letting go of the need to control.

    Allow yourself to simply be in the moment, and trust that everything will unfold as it is meant to.

    Practice letting go of expectations and outcomes, and simply allow yourself to fully experience the present moment.

    Release the need to control everything, and allow yourself to simply be in the moment.

    Then see what happens. :)

  • Listen to your inner critic. What does your inner critic say about your ability to achieve all that you desire? Journal out the different parts of your sensuality. For example, “I want…but something always happens or stops me…” or, “I want to stop…but…” There are often parts within us that are in conflict. In your journal, bring these parts into a dialogue and see what you learn about yourself!

If you want to add strengthen, speed, and a lot of sensual power to your results you can journey along with me through the shadows and into pleasure so good you’ll think you’re in a fantasy novel.

As a special gift to my courageous quiz-takers, I put together the Sensual Archetype Activation Bundle.

These are three 1:1 sessions with me to explore and integrate a higher expression of your sensual pleasure.

Think of it like a guided excursion to your sensual power center, so you can explore and embody your most seductive, confident, and pleasure-filled self.

After each session, I’ll send you a personalized pleasure practice – juicy prompts and exercises that will take you deeper into your pleasure, sensuality, and power.

Right now you are standing at the threshold of a new adventure.

One that will require you to leave a version of yourself behind. A version of yourself that is unconscious about limiting beliefs and patterns of behavior that keep you stuck. A version of yourself that tries to convince you you’re fine because (let’s face it) it’s feeling a little lazy about doing the work (or perhaps you have a limiting belief that you’re not worthy of pleasure at this rich a level).

The first step of a journey is always the hardest. And the good news is, just by taking the Sensual Archetype quiz you put your feet in front of you on the path to awakening your full sensual power.

Now all that’s left is one small step in front of the other – which will lead you to the ultimate treasure: a deep understanding of your personal and partnered pleasure and an unlimited activation of your sensual energy.

Will you answer the call?

Meet your mentor

Well met, Courageous Soul! I’m Jess.

I’m not a typical fairytale mentor - I don't have a long white beard or a magic wand (though my Middle Eastern ancestry tells me to throw on some sparkling jewelry).

Instead, I use my activated sensual identity and embodied Archetype to guide and heal others while constantly learning and exploring the limits of cosmic connected pleasure.

My work is about creating lasting change in an aligned mind and body. So you can continue to level up your relationship between your pleasure and your partners long after joining me for coaching or workshops!

Ready to activate your Sensual Archetype? 

I’ll guide you on a 3-week transformative journey of self-discovery and sensual empowerment.

In three immersive coaching sessions, we will delve into the depths of your shadows, uncover limiting beliefs that hinder your sensual power, and flip those beliefs to embrace empowering ones. Believing isn’t enough.

Through personalized pleasure practices, you will learn how to embody your empowered states, so you can authentically and confidently show up in the world with sensuality as your superpower.

Shadow Exploration

Together, we will courageously explore your subconscious, bringing to light the beliefs behind the patterns that are inhibit your sensual expression. Through compassionate guidance and introspective practices, we will navigate the depths to understand the root causes of these shadows, paving the way for profound transformation.

Limitation Liberation

With a blend of coaching techniques and somatic practices, we will dismantle your limiting beliefs and patterns and replace them with empowering ones that will help you continually level up pleasure, connection, and intimacy. Then we’ll wire those new beliefs and patterns into your body, so you consciously program yourself to feel more pleasure, power, and break free from your constrained and unconscious conditioning.

Embodying Sensual Empowerment

In our final session, we will focus on integrating the transformation into your being. Through embodied practices, somatic exercises, and personalized strategies, you will learn how to anchor your sensual power in your everyday life. You will cultivate the ability to authentically express your sensuality, radiating confidence, magnetism, and a deep connection with your desires.