Solo Dates
Each week for the next [your desired time frame...6 months? 12 months?] make dating yourself a priority. Find a list of solo dating ideas and write down a collection that resonate with you. Try and include some activities that are new to you that you'd like to explore, and others that nourish a side of you that maybe you've been neglecting.
Then, each week, schedule the time to do one of those dates with yourself.
When you feel the thought rise up "I don't have time," or you feel resistance to prioritizing yourself see how you can reframe that for a true empowered belief, connect to why you're prioritizing this (eg. to nourish yourself & come into a more powerful, confident version of you) & find an activity that works with the time you do have available.
Dates don't have to be extravagant! Simple date ideas can look like:
sensual self massage
go book shopping
dance alone in my room
journal about myself/my desires/vision for the future etc
get all dressed up and cook myself a nice dinner
Throughout all of these practices remember that it is okay to sit in discomfort if you can recognize that you're taking aligned action toward your goals.
Nothing needs to change, nothing needs to be different. Anxiety and discomfort is a normal response. You're doing hard things. It's okay to feel that way and to do an embodied practice (like yoga, shaking, running, dance) to help release it.