Which Archetype will Activate Your Sensual Power? 

Embark on an epic journey of self-discovery

& unlock your Sensual Power.

Such a fabulous and insightful quiz. It so beautifully lays out sexual / sensual potential in an exciting way that goes beyond just standard sex & relationships, exploring magick & more! It made me really excited to dive into pleasure as a practice that can open life up in a whole new way.
— Mercy T.

Your Liberated Sensuality is the treasure in this Adventure.

Because despite your desire to experience the rich, juiciness of uncomplicated pleasure, there are these little monsters in your life that steer you away from sinking deliciously into your full pleasure & power.

Shame and Stress around Sex | Unwanted Mental Baggage | Cultural Conditioning | Body Dissatisfaction | Stress of the Hustle | Dating Deal-breakers | Relationship Issues | Limiting beliefs | Sexual Constraints | Subconscious Programming | Physical Obstacles | Ingrained Habits & Patterns…ugh, babe, you know the list is longer than this!

Despite life’s little minions working against it, you still deserve Comic, Expansive, Mind-fucking, Body-melting Pleasure, Connection, & Intimacy!

To free yourself from limiting beliefs, shadow sides of your desire, old patterns that don’t serve you, you must call upon your courage, anchor in sensual confidence, and harness new resources to elevate your pleasure & power.

You must be willing to accept this call to adventure to being the quest & claim your Sensual Power.

…sound a little like a fantasy novel to you? 😉

F*k yes! Here’s a chance to do the courageous, empowering depth work in a gamified fashion.

You’ll get to know me & my process more in depth as you keep reading – but I'll expose one of the secrets here. This is courageous work. And as the Gandalf to your Frodo (but like, we're the sexy versions of the powerful duo) I want to create a healing experience that is both empowering and...well..fun.

Because as a decades-long student and mentor in personal development & sensual empowerment (with multiple certifications behind my glittering belt) I know how much more powerful gamified association and emotional investment can be. So I've structured these elements in the journey itself.

Curious...just a little?

Keep reading to find out what's required of you (and what you stand to gain) if you accept this Call to Adventure.

The Journey:

Into the Shadows

  • Overcome the inner critic who’s holding you back, convincing you “fine” is good enough or that your pleasure and personal power aren’t worth the effort

  • Confront the shame, guilt, fears, and stuck patterns that follow you from one relationship to the next (or that prevent you from receiving the level of pleasure you deserve)

  • Release individual, collective, cultural, and ancestral beliefs and actions that drain your Sensual Power

A really fun and informative quiz with gorgeous visuals that helped me put to words what I'm seeking out of my sensual power and healing. – Cat W.

Entering the Special World

  • Discover the depths of your desire and physical capabilities of pleasure (it’s an ever-evolving journey!)

  • Get resources, tools, and new pleasure practices to rewire your neural pathways and open you up to ever-expanding bliss, connection, intimacy, and love

  • Embody your Sensual Power Archetype and find new passion and purpose in your pleasure exploration

The Hero’s Return

  • By diminishing your past triggers, instilling new, empowered responses and integrating your sensual identity, you will show up differently when you return from your quest to awaken your sensual power

  • Experience the richness of life when you take control of your “programming” (the incidental influences of your culture, ancestry, and experiences)

  • Liberated Sensual Power? I’ll take two!

After you take the quiz you’ll receive a detailed report on your Sensual Archetype (its shadows and its special powers) & you’ll be paired with a free visualization exercise designed to awaken your inner Archetype & activate your Sensual Power.

¡¡Archetype Spoiler Alert!!

take me to the quiz

  • Sensual Healer

    Your capacity for harnessing exquisite, pooooowerful pleasure is incredible. A sensuality so connected to Earth and Energetic medicine is a true superpower…

  • Pleasure Seeker

    Master ESP (extra sensory pleasure) without feeling shame, guilt, or like you’re giving too much of yourself away…

  • Cosmic Sorceress

    Your innate visionary ability can be harnessed to connect with the forces of creativity, cosmic connection, and manifestation.

  • view archetype

    The Alchemist

    You’ve run through the initiatory fires and learned valuable lessons along the way, lessons you’re now transmuting into transcendent states of being…

  • The Erotic Nomad

    To just…live life on your own terms. To truly be in alignment with your authenticy. To communicate your desires and work through challenges for more connection & intimacy…

  • The High Priestess of Desire

    Sex and sensuality are devotional practices in your life, allowing for deep partnership and spiritual connection.

  • The Crown of Hearts

    You have a flowing innate sensuality and magnetic charisma that would allow you to charm the pants off most anyone (yup, I mean that literally).

  • Which Archetype are You?

    Take the quiz to get paired with an Archetype who can lead you through your unique shadows and help you express the full form of your sensuality & sexual power.

Hello Beautiful Human,

I’m Jess

Like the trusty Guide in a fantasy novel, I help women who know they have more potential power in their sensuality and pleasure capacity overcome their barriers & claim the treasure of free and expanded sensual power, intimate connection, and sexual pleasure.

I am a graduate of the Pleasure Master’s Institute™, Master NLP certified Practitioner, Psychedelic Guide, somatic healer and rhetorical wizard (which makes me exceptionally good at pattern recognition to help you uncover what really needs to change).


Expand Your Personal, Partnered, and Cosmic Pleasure

Being able to sink into body-tingling, mind-altering pleasure is a skill, one that connects to intimate partnership, relationships of all kinds, and fulfillment in your life. Take the quiz to start your path toward more personal power & pleasure.